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So far ftcadmin has created 104 blog entries.
1 07, 2020

Beta Values vs. Percent Efficiency

2021-05-12T15:42:08+00:00July 1st, 2020|

“What’s the big difference?” I have been asked the following question countless times throughout my career: “Why does my filter have a Beta Value associated with its efficiency, and why not just express that efficiency in terms of percent removal.” We all have a fundamental understanding of what “percent” means, and most of us [...]

10 06, 2020

FTC is looking forward to the 13th World Filtration Congress 13

2020-06-16T19:09:53+00:00June 10th, 2020|

WFC13 and AFS leadership are pleased to announce that World Filtration Congress 13 has been rescheduled for September 20-24, 2021! The American Filtration and Separations Society will host the 13th World Filtration Congress (WFC 13), September 20 – 24, 2021. at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel in San Diego, California, USA. We cordially invite you to participate [...]

15 04, 2020

Focused on Maintaining Normal Operations

2020-04-28T13:14:23+00:00April 15th, 2020|

According to Tyler J. Johnson, President & CEO of FTC, “Our team at FTC is proud to continue serving our partners and customers during this challenging time. We take seriously our critical manufacturing role even when there is no threat to our national security. During this COVID-19 emergency, we are more focused than ever [...]

1 04, 2020

Better Efficiency for Eliminating Oil From Water

2020-04-13T19:17:47+00:00April 1st, 2020|

Get #BetterEfficiency for eliminating oil from water. One Strata Emerald 240 Series “Mini Oil Guzzler” filter is designed to hold one liter of oil before reaching the maximum differential pressure of 35 PSI. Learn more about #CostEffectiveFiltration on the Strata Emerald 240 Series page.

31 03, 2020

FTC Provides Critical Manufacturing During COVID-19 Outbreak

2020-03-31T14:22:30+00:00March 31st, 2020|

Houston-based Filtration Technology Corporation (FTC), a leader in innovative filtration and separation products and solutions, remains open during the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis, and has adapted its operations to maintain critical manufacturing output. Harris County Judge, Lina Hidalgo, has issued a "Stay Home, Work Safe" order for the city of Houston [...]

2 03, 2020

Chris Wallace to Teach at World Filtration Congress 13

2020-03-06T16:59:42+00:00March 2nd, 2020|

Chris Wallace, FTC VP of Technology and board member of the American Filtration & Separations Society will be teaching "Introduction to Liquid/Solids Separation I – Principles" on April 20, 2020 at the World Filtration Congress 13. He will be speaking about the underlying principles of liquid-solids separation technologies, and about various filter media types. [...]

19 02, 2020

Reshaping Filtration with Invicta

2020-02-25T21:13:06+00:00February 19th, 2020|

The Invicta™ cartridge filter and vessel system from FTC represents reliable, high efficiency liquid-solids filtration with immediate cost savings for plant operations. Common applications for Invicta™ include water and wastewater, process fluids, hydrocarbons, brines, solvents, amines, glycols, fuels, chemicals, acids, and bases. Introducing a filtration system that offers up to 176% more surface area over [...]

10 02, 2020

Product Focus in Flow Control Magazine

2020-02-10T19:47:07+00:00February 10th, 2020|

FTC’s Invicta line of cartridge filters and vessels was listed as one of the notable items in the “Product Focus” section in the September 2019 issue of Flow Control Magazine. Filtration Technology Corporation's Invicta, a trapezoidal liquid-solids filter cartridge and vessel system, offers an alternative to conventional cylidrical filtration systems. Read more in Flow [...]

28 01, 2020

Liquid-Solids Filter Improves Boiler Feedwater Filtration System Efficiency

2020-01-28T16:16:33+00:00January 28th, 2020|

In 2018, a Texas refinery was preparing to replace existing filter vessels when they learned about FTC’s Invicta™ system. With its coreless, trapezoidal filter design, Invicta™ increases overall vessel efficiency through improved filter media packing density within the same vessel footprint.They made the change, and they love the results.Read more in Water Technology, Inc. Magazine. [...]

6 01, 2020

Smaller Vessel Footprint

2020-02-25T20:59:13+00:00January 6th, 2020|

Need more filter element packing density? With FTC Invicta™, you get up to 176% more surface area in a given vessel footprint when compared to conventional cylindrical filters. hashtag#FiltrationSolutions hashtag#SmallerVesselFootprint hashtag#MinimizeDeadSpace Learn more about this patent pending technology that offers a significant improvement over conventional filters on our Invicta page.