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So far ftcadmin has created 104 blog entries.
27 11, 2021

Best-Kept Secrets Eventually Get Told

2021-11-30T15:19:12+00:00November 27th, 2021|

The best-kept secrets eventually get told, although it didn’t take long for the news to spread after FTC’s 2020 introduction of Invicta®, the only-of-its-kind line of cartridge filters and vessels. Be in the know and benefit from the most cost-effective filters in the marketplace. Contact FTC today and get back up and running. #invicta #cartridgefilters #filtration #filtrationsolutions [...]

8 11, 2021

Necessary Evils

2021-11-30T15:32:56+00:00November 8th, 2021|

Necessary evils. That’s what some people think about filters. We might not agree, but we get it. That’s why FTC created Invicta®, the only-of-its-kind and most effective liquid/solid filter in the marketplace. By extending your run time and filter life, FTC eliminates the evils to focus on what’s necessary. Read more about our Invicta [...]

15 10, 2021

FTC Has Vessels Ready to Ship

2021-10-15T15:49:42+00:00October 15th, 2021|

Our team is proud to announce that we have vessels ready to ship. Work around CAPEX budgets with rental Invicta® vessels from FTC. Let us help you optimize your process filtration with high capacity Invicta® vessels that outperform and overdeliver. With a variety of vessel configurations in stock and ready to ship, our rental units [...]

16 09, 2021

Tersus High-Performance Gas Filtration Technology

2021-09-20T20:19:13+00:00September 16th, 2021|

FTC once again delivers Tersus high-performance gas filtration technology that is designed to provide dependable protection of downstream equipment and processes by efficiently removing solid contaminants from gas streams. Learn more about #OilandGas #PowerGeneration #ChemicalProduction on the Tersus Gas Filtration Vessels page

1 09, 2021

Invicta Cartridges – Innovated Technology

2021-09-01T20:47:43+00:00September 1st, 2021|

FTC’s extensive research and testing efforts resulted in the award-winning Invicta® line of cartridge filters and vessels. Get unprecedented filter element packing density and up to 176% more surface area. This breakthrough in design and application reflects FTC’s commitment to bringing high quality, reliable, and value-driven solutions to the market.Learn more about #InnovatedTechnology #TrapezoidalShape on the Invicta Cartridge page. [...]

7 07, 2021

Clarify Cartridge Filter Vessels – A Cost Effective Solution

2021-07-07T18:30:48+00:00July 7th, 2021|

Clarify cartridge filter vessels are engineered to deliver cost-effective solutions, allowing customers a better way to manage the effluent solids concentration and particle size in their liquid processes.  They are designed to meet the wide-range of solids removal needs of fluid processing industries. The wide-ranging needs of the market are matched by the versatility of the Clarify product [...]

18 05, 2021

Effective Filtration with Clarify 740 Platinum Select Series

2021-05-25T16:58:16+00:00May 18th, 2021|

With FTC’s Clarify 740 Platinum Select Series NSF/ANSI 61 Certified, get superior dirt holding capacity in a smaller footprint. This optimal pleat design and media layering optimizes the effective surface area allowing for greater dirt holding capacity.  FDA compliant according to CFR Title 21 Learn more about #EffectiveFiltration  on the Clarify 740 Platinum Select page. [...]

13 05, 2021

FTC’s Invicta® Technology Awarded AFS New Product of the Year

2021-05-13T14:45:56+00:00May 13th, 2021|

Filtration Technology Corporation’s (FTC) Invicta® technology has been awarded 2020 New Product of the Year by the American Filtration and Separations Society (AFS) during their annual conference, FiltCon 2021. As described in the conference, Invicta® technology is a novel trapezoidal-shaped cartridge filter element design that leverages increased effective surface area inside a filter vessel resulting [...]

13 01, 2021

FTC Adds Capital Project Sales Manager to Sales Team

2021-05-12T15:41:44+00:00January 13th, 2021|

FTC is happy to announce the addition of Mark Daigle to our Sales Team. Mark will assume the role of EPC and Capital Projects Sales Manager. Mark brings over 16 years of sales management experience to FTC with a firm grasp of technical presentation and commercial negotiation. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering [...]

2 07, 2020

Filtration Considerations During Refinery Turndown Operations

2021-05-12T15:41:57+00:00July 2nd, 2020|

Most of the time refineries are focused on ways to increase throughput capacities with existing assets. This is a familiar mode of operation, and one to which we are accustomed. However, sometimes rates are cut back on core processes. It is normal to imagine that cutting back throughput would be a relatively easy process [...]