About ftcadmin

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So far ftcadmin has created 104 blog entries.
9 01, 2018

FTC Names New Director of Research and Development

2018-02-16T15:39:01+00:00January 9th, 2018|

FTC would like to announce the hiring of Dr. Hari Nemmara as the Director of Research and Development.  Dr. Nemmara joins FTC after 15 years in the filtration and separation industry.  He began his career in filtration after receiving a PhD in the study of nanofibers in coalescence filtration and adsorption from the University [...]

4 01, 2018

FTC Announces New Partnership with SPSS

2018-02-16T15:39:49+00:00January 4th, 2018|

FTC is proud to announce a new partnership with Saudi Pioneers for Specialized Services, an affiliate of the Al-Yamama Company. The partnership will bring FTC products to the oil and gas sector, refining, chemical, waste water, and desalination facilities within Saudi Arabia and all GCC countries. SPSS is an affiliate of the Al-Yamama company [...]

8 12, 2017

Three Ethics Principles for Successful Technical Sales

2018-02-16T15:40:33+00:00December 8th, 2017|

“Anyone who sells a double-open-ended filter is a jerk.” This line was overheard at a recent event for industrial filtration. What this person meant by their statement was that a DOE filter is inferior technology that does not do an adequate job of filtering because of potential bypass and difficulty for changeouts. Better technology [...]

17 04, 2015

FTC™ opens new Houston facility and unveils new logo

2018-04-23T16:50:32+00:00April 17th, 2015|

Filtration Technology Corporation (FTC) announces the opening of our new 75,000 square foot manufacturing facility at 11883 Cutten Road in Houston, Texas. In addition to this exciting move, the FTC logo is also changing to a fresh new look that helps define FTC as a leader with innovative technology and cost effective filtration solutions [...]